GA: DCS honors two Rome officers for work on sex offender law

Two Floyd County Department of Community Supervision officers received commendations Tuesday for the efforts to clarify the importance of ongoing supervision of sex offenders across the state of Georgia. Brandon Henderson and Cody Franklin were honored in front of their peers for raising questions that led to an amendment of state law this year.

SB 174 was passed in 2017, which called for anyone who was on supervision, including sex offenders, but did not have any restitution owed, to be placed on unsupervised status after two years.

“A lot of these guys need long-term treatment,” said Henderson. “We started having to petition the court to get these guys in front of a judge and argue to keep them on supervision. It was bogging down the court system and it was bogging down my officers.”

Henderson and Franklin subsequently contacted Tracy Alvord, executive director of the Sex Offender Registration Review Board, who submitted SB 407 amending the previous law to exclude sex offenders from the provisions of SB 174. Full Article

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“Henderson said he could only recall a couple of instances where a sex offender committed a repeat of a crime while under supervision.”

“I’ve seen it happen after their supervision, when they’re not being seen by us,” Henderson said. “That’s another reason why we want to try to prolong the treatment, because there is no cure for it. They have to learn to cope with their urges.”

If they think keeping RC’s on prolonged supervision stops them from committing crimes, they’re dead wrong. If there was “no cure for it”…. why doesn’t EVERY RC both during and after supervision continue to commit crimes non-stop?

“… another reason”….? The best reason to keep them on supervision is for the DCS officers to keep having a job.

Once again, “they” are singling out RC’s for what they MIGHT do in the future. SB174 passed last year but then….. the DCS amended it for their own good… not the community’s.

I’m sick of “them”.

“”The community doesn’t know what you do.”

^Haha, you’re not exactly an unsung hero there, buster. I’m living proof that this Cody Franklin is an ongoing dead weight and a burden on Georgia tax payers.

You know the game is rigged when they start receiving awards for solutions in search of non-existent problems.

Isn’t oppression fun?

“We’re in their face at least twice a month,” Franklin said. 🤔 Hmmm, that sure sounds like harrassment to me.

I’ll go even further, based on my perspective as a probationer in Georgia.

The POs in this article are just straight up wannabe cop cowards. They celebrate being in registrants’ faces only because they know the registrant won’t give them a hard time and will endure whatever idiocy crammed down their throats, most of which is either flat out illegal or well beyond their authority.

Plus, they wouldn’t dare treat, say, known gang members on probation for any reason, the same way. They’ll hide behind cops or deputies when checking on them. They won’t get all in their faces after they’re chained up and at the station, if at all. And that even assumes they aren’t being paid under the table by those guys, often not a wise presumption.

Georgia certainly doesn’t have a shortage in its criminal population, and its prisons have a very serious problem with overcrowding. POs want to keep as many registrants as possible on their watch lists because they need to revoke on occasion to look like they’re doing their jobs and it’s easier with registrants than anyone else simply because registrants are historically the most compliant and seldom have sympathizers or anyone willing to stand up for them. Being either afraid of the drug or violent parolees/probationers or being paid off by them (another problem rampant in this state, at least) only adds to it.